Alpha Course

The Alpha course is a course which began in London at a Church called Holy Trinity, Brompton. It is a practical introduction to the Christian faith which is for everyone including nonchurchgoers and people who would not call themselves Christians. The course is now being run by thousands of Churches, of all Christian denominations, in Britain and across the world.

At Christ Church, we have been running the course since April 1995. We also run Youth Alpha for those under 18yrs.
If you would be interested in receiving details of the next course dates please contact the Vicar or email us using the link below giving your name, address, telephone number and age.

The Next Course at Christ Church ….

Has yet to be arranged – please ask the Vicar for details.
If you would like to find out more please ring Ron or Jenny on 715193

What happens at Alpha?

Each evening begins with a light supper,and continues with a 40 minute talk.After the talk there is time for coffee and discussion in small groups.The evening ends at 9.40pm
There is one full day a Saturday which we call ‘The Holy Spirit Day’ which includes three talks on the person and work of the Holy Spirit and is an important part of the course.

What is Alpha about?

All the talks are based on the book Questions of Life by Nicky Gumbel. The Wednesday talks are entitled

  • Who is Jesus?
  • Why did He die?
  • How can I be sure of my Faith?
  • How and why should I read the Bible?
  • How and why should I pray?
  • How does God guide us?
  • How can I resist evil? …..this talk is sometimes given on the Sunday after the Holy Spirit Day
  • Does God heal today?
  • How and why should I tell others?
  • What about the Church? a final talk may be given, entitled… How can I make the most of the rest of my life?